Imprint and general terms and conditions

Operator of this website

Hauserbauer GmbH

Bergl 15
A-5632 Dorfgastein

Phone: +43 6433 7339 | E-mail:
Company registration number: 268622h | VAT-No.: ATU61973948 | Job title: Hotel industry

Represented by:
Alexandra Fritzenwanker (Managing Director), Manuela Loipold (Managing Director), Georg Rohrmoser (Managing Director), Christine Rohrmoser (Authorized Signatory)

Bank details:
Account holder: Hauserbauer GmbH
IBAN: AT94 2040 4000 4274 1124   BIC: SBGSAT2SXXX

Accommodation directory registration number:


General terms and conditions of the hotel industry:

The Austrian Hotel Contract Conditions, which can be accessed here in the currently valid form, apply as a subsidiary supplement to the conditions specified by us.

Photos & image material:

Fotoatelier Wolkersdorfer
Gasteinertal Tourismus GmbH
Gasteiner Bergbahnen
Dorfgasteiner Bergbahnen
Golfclub Gastein
Salzburger Land Tourismus